NSPCC’s Underwear Rule

A simple conversation to help keep your children (and your minded children) safe is the underwear rule.

The NSPCC helps parents and carers talk to their children about staying safe, and it’s part of our work as childminders, and our commitment to keeping children safe, to ensure they are protected from abuse. NSPCC has put together a useful guide to help you explain the underwear rule and why it’s important.

Simple conversations, like crossing the road safely, bullying and dealing with strangers, are subjects that you and your minded children will talk about on a regular basis, but what about staying safe from sexual abuse?  It’s a conversation that no one wants to have, but thankfully it doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, you don’t even have to mention ‘sexual abuse’. 

Simple conversations really can help keep children safe, and that’s what the NSPCC guide to the underwear rule will help you do...“talk pants - and you’ve got it covered!”

To read the guidance and find out more, click on the associated document below.
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