Publication of Financial Review of Early Learning and Childcare reports

Publication of Financial Review of Early Learning and Childcare reports

The report of the Financial Review of Early Learning and Childcare and the associated report on partner provider finances produced by Ipsos MORI have been published by the Scottish Government.

Financial review of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland: the current landscape

This report draws together the available information on the Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) system in Scotland, with a focus on provision of the funded entitlement to 600 hours. It summarises the range of published data on ELC provision and provides an overview of the costs and expenditure of providing the funded entitlement and reports on data collections from both local government and from the private and not for profit sectors. Click the following link to access the report:

Cost of Early Learning and Childcare Provision in Partner Provider Settings

This report and the accompanying spreadsheet presents data collected on behalf of the Scottish Government on the costs and income associated with providing ELC among private and not-for-profit ‘partner providers’. An online survey of ‘partner providers’ (those currently providing government-funded hours for eligible two, three and four year-olds) collected detailed information about costs, income, capacity and occupancy. Cost information was also collected from a small sample of childminders.

The aim of the providers’ survey was to provide as accurate estimates as possible of the costs associated with their provision of ELC for children under school-age, in order to inform Scottish Government planning and economic modelling for extending government-funded hours.  Click the following link to access further information: