Childminders asked to ‘Make Maths Count’

Childminders asked to ‘Make Maths Count’
‘Making Maths Count’ is a Scottish Government initiative that aims to encourage more enthusiasm amongst children and young people.

The subject of maths sometimes gets a hard time, but when you think about it – we use it every day! The Scottish Government is keen to:

Transform the public’s attitude towards maths.
Improve confidence and fluency in maths for children and young people.
Improve knowledge and confidence in maths for everyone who works with children to to raise attainment.
Promote the value of maths as an essential skill for everyone. 

Childminders have an important role to play in promoting maths to children and young people. You are perfectly placed to encourage youngsters to enjoy maths, by incorporating it into everyday play and problem solving activities, e.g. "How many buzzing bees can you see in this picture?"

Maureen McKenna, Chair of the Making Maths Count Group, said: “We believe that everyone, whatever their circumstances in life, has the ability to become proficient at maths.  

“Our research shows that the way to achieve this is to make maths more relevant to real life and work and more enjoyable.  Our recommendations build upon the best work taking place within Scotland and elsewhere and aim to transform Scotland into a maths-positive nation.”   

Take a minute to think about how you use maths in your everyday childminding activities – it’s probably more than you think! Incorporating more maths-based problems or quizzes will help to create a more maths-positive outlook for children growing up in Scotland.

For more ideas visit the Making Maths Count blog, which features updates on the campaign and stories from people across Scotland and how they are putting their maths skills to work. 

Read more about Make Maths Count