Have a Baby Blether and get involved with CYPCS

Have a Baby Blether and get involved with CYPCS
Children’s human rights are for all children from birth. Babies and children find out about their rights through their relationships with their family and the people who care for them, including their childminder.

Talking, listening, singing and playing with your children helps them to experience their human rights.

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS) has recently launched their Baby Blether campaign which is asking you to capture how the world looks through a baby’s eyes. Through doing this, they hope they’re reminded that all babies have their own view of the world - and that, like everyone else, they all have human rights.

If you have a minded child ages two or younger, the CYPCS would love you to take part and share your photos with the Baby Blether campaign.

Get Involved...
Go to where they are right now – wherever that might be – and get down to their eye level, to focus on what they're focusing on. The world can look quite different, once you're there.

When you're in position, take a photo of what your baby sees. You can then upload your picture to the CYPCS's Baby Blether website at babyblether.com, to join a gallery of the views of babies from all over Scotland.

Don't forget to get permission from the parents of children you care for in your childminding service.

For lot’s more information about children’s rights visit cypcs.org.uk.