New ‘Safe Sleep’ information from the Scottish Cot Death Trust

New ‘Safe Sleep’ information from the Scottish Cot Death Trust
The Scottish Cot Death Trust has created a new ‘Reduce the Risks’ leaflet to help promote safer sleep for babies and young children.

The charity has provided support to families affected by a sudden unexpected death of an infant since 1985, and is also committed to raising awareness of how cot death can be prevented; providing a Scotland-wide education programme.

Cot death has reduced significantly since the early 1990’s when the widespread ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign helped change common practice and behaviours surrounding how infants were put to sleep.  However, it is devastating that a baby still dies every nine days in Scotland as a result of cot death, so the promotion of safe sleep and ‘Reduce the Risk’ education is still crucial for parents and childcare professionals alike.

Their Easy-Read leaflet outlines the Do’s and Don’ts of safer sleep, highlighting this key message from babies: “For the first six months, the safest place for me to sleep in my cot in your room”. The leaflet also outlines common risk factors of cot death and safer use of car seats and bouncers, useful for all parents, childminders and other carers.

Read the Reduce the Risks of Cot Death leaflet from the Scottish Cot Death Trust, which is also available in our Learning Library, via the Membership Dashboard.

For further information, please visit