Pledge your Support for Childminding in Scotland

Pledge your Support for Childminding in Scotland
Save Our Services: #SOSChildminding is a brand-new pledge website from SCMA, and we’re looking for you to make a pledge and help save childminding in Scotland.

Have you made a pledge to support childminders in Scotland yet?

#SOSChildminding follows the success of our Mandate for Change and aims to further boost our Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) campaign and gather the voices of parents, childminders and other key supporters.

98% of childminders are still not commissioned to deliver funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). This is a worrying trend, and as a result we appear to be losing a vital workforce, alongside the quality services you provide to children and their families.  

Your actions can help save childminding services in Scotland:

Pledge your support; upload your pledge message and a photo to our Pledge Wall. Choose to use one of our pre-prepared pledges or get creative and support childminding in your own words!

Ask everyone you know to get involved – we especially want to hear the voices of parents. Support from families is particularly important; we must dispel the myth that "parents don't want to use childminders for their ELC". Get your parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, Health Visitors - anyone who is willing to support us - to sign the Pledge and support Scotland's childminders.

Share our message far and wide on social media using #SOSChildminding. The more Pledges we gather the merrier so share us on Facebook and retweet us on Twitter.

Pledge your support for childminding in Scotland - make a pledge today